The integration course covers a basic and advanced language course covering a total of 600 lessons (UE) as well as an orientation course of 60 UE. The basic and advanced language courses are divided into 3 blocks of 100 UE each. This modular structure of a total of six course sections covering 100 UE each, allows for a differentiation of the participants by previous knowledge and learning speed as well as a flexible change of the course.
The orientation course is in German language and follows the language course.
The language course consists of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 25 UE per week. The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 20 persons per course. It is possible to repeat or skip course sections; it is also possible to change the course providers after completion of a course section.
A language test is held at the end of the integration course for the German Certificate, which is equivalent to level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference of Languages (CEFR), as well as an orientation course test which confirms the successful participation in the integration course.

Course Objectives
The objective of the language course is the acquisition of “sufficient language skills”. This corresponds to level B1 of the scale of the Common European Framework of Reference of Languages (CEFT). This enables immigrants to independently orientate themselves in the environment of their daily lives and, according to their age and level of education, hold conversations and express themselves in writing. The orientation course serves to convey everyday knowledge and knowledge about Germany’s legal system, culture and history. In particular, an understanding of the values of the democratic State and the principles of rule of law, equality, tolerance and freedom of religion is taught to immigrants.
Foreigners are entitled to a once-off participation in an integration course, if they have received a permanent residency permit according to the German Residence Act (Aufenthaltsgesetz). However, foreigners who already have sufficient German language skills or have no need for integration due to other reasons are excluded from this, also school-age children and young grown-ups who are at school or are continuing a previous school career in Germany are excluded. Furthermore, the entitlement to participate in the course becomes void two years. Certain groups of foreigners are obliged to visit an integration course. This applies to foreigners who are requested to participate by the Foreigner’s Registration Office, because they are drawing benefits to cover subsistence costs under the basic provision for jobseekers or are in need of integration due to special reasons. This improves the integration of foreigners already living in Germany. They can be admitted to the course if places are available and thereafter are obliged to participate. For ethnic German repatriates and their spouses or descendents participation is performed in accordance to the Federal Law on Displaced Persons (Bundesvertriebenengesetz) (§ 9 BVFG).
Download a folder containing the course information here.
Current dates
The Integration Course takes place Mondays through Fridays, from 8.00h to 12.30h and 12.30h to 15.45h.
For more information on current course offerings, call or email.